CPRI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683595
Date 11/11/2021

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5.33. XCVR_RX_FIFO_DELAY Register

Table 85.  XCVR_RX_FIFO_DELAY Register at Offset 0x88This register is present only in Intel® FPGA IP core variations that target an Intel® Stratix® 10 device.
Bits Field Name Type Value on Reset Description
31 rx_pcs_fifo_delay_valid RO 1'b0 Indicates that the
field has been updated.
30:25 Reserved UR0 6'b0
24:16 rx_pcs_fifo_delay RO 9'b0 Delay count value for the receiver PCS FIFO. Unit is multiples of 128/latency_sclk clock cycles (no units). In other words, the latency through the FIFO is <latency_sclk period>x <this field value: delay count>/128.
15 rx_core_fifo_delay_valid RO 1'b0 Indicates that the
field has been updated.
14:9 Reserved UR0 6'b0
8:0 rx_core_fifo_delay RO 9'b0 Delay count value for the receiver core FIFO. Unit is multiples of 128/latency_sclk clock cycles (no units). In other words, the latency through the FIFO is <latency_sclk period>x <this field value: delay count>/128.