CPRI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683595
Date 11/11/2021

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5.10. START_UP_SEQ Register

Table 62.  START_UP_SEQ Register at Offset 0x24 This register is available only if you turn on Enable start-up sequence state machine in the CPRI parameter editor.
Bits Field Name Type Value on Reset Description
31:17 Reserved UR0 15'b0
16 startup_timer_expired RO 1'b0 Indicates that the internal L1 start-up timer is expired, based on the value of the startup_timer_period field of the START_UP_TIMER register.
15:11 Reserved UR0 5'b0
10:8 state_startup_seq RO 3'b0 Indicates the current state of the start-up sequence. This field has the following valid values:
  • 3'b000: State A: Standby
  • 3'b001: State B: L1 Synchronization
  • 3'b011: State C: Protocol Setup
  • 3'b010: State D: Control and Management Setup
  • 3'b110: State E: Interface and VSS Negotiation
  • 3'b111: State F: Operation
  • 3'b101: State G: Passive Link
7:4 Reserved UR0 4'b0
3 nego_vss_complete RW 1'b0 Indicates the Vendor Specific negotiation is complete. You must set this bit to move the start-up sequence state machine from state E to state F. If you turn on Enable start-up sequence state machine, the nego_vss_complete input signal writes directly to this register bit.
2 nego_cm_complete RW 1'b0 Indicates the Control and Management negotiation is complete and the start-up sequence state machine can move from state D to state E. If the slow_cm_rate_auto field or the fast_cm_ptr_auto field, or both, in the CM_CONFIG register has the value of 1, the IP core updates this bit if the user does not update it.

If you turn on Enable start-up sequence state machine, the nego_cm_complete input signal writes directly to this register bit.

Note: If the Control and Management negotiation cannot complete successfully, per Figure 30 in the CPRI specification v7.0 (2013-08-30), the start-up sequence state machine moves from state D to state G. In that case the IP core does not set the nego_cm_complete bit, and the state_startup_seq field reflects the state change.
1 nego_protocol_complete RW 1'b0 Indicates the protocol version negotiation is complete and the start-up sequence state machine can move from state C to state D. If the prot_ver_auto field of the PROT_VER register has the value of 1, the IP core updates this bit if the user does not update it.

If you turn on Enable start-up sequence state machine, the nego_protocol_complete input signal writes directly to this register bit.

0 nego_bitrate_complete RW 1'b0 Indicates the CPRI line bit rate negotiation is complete.

If you turn on Enable start-up sequence state machine, the nego_bitrate_complete input signal writes directly to this register bit.