CPRI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683595
Date 11/11/2021

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2.7. Understanding the Testbench

Intel® provides a demonstration testbench with the CPRI Intel® FPGA IP.

If you click Generate Example Design in the CPRI parameter editor, the Quartus® Prime software generates the demonstration testbench. The parameter editor prompts you for the desired location of the testbench.

The testbench performs the following sequence of actions with the static DUT

  1. Enables transmission on the CPRI link by setting the tx_enable bit (bit [0]) of the CPRI IP core L1_CONFIG register at offset 0x8 (and resetting all other fields of the register)>
  2. Configures the DUT at the highest possible HDLC bit rate for the CPRI line bit rate, by setting the tx_slow_cm_rate field of the CPRI CM_CONFIG register at offset 0x1C to the appropriate value.
  3. Reads the CM_CONFIG register to confirm settings.
  4. After the DUT and the testbench achieve frame synchronization, executes the following transactions (Only when you turn on corresponding interface in IP parameter editor):
    1. Performs several write transactions to the AUX Tx interface and confirms the testbench receives them on the CPRI link.
    2. Performs several write transactions to the VS interface and confirms the testbench receives them from the DUT on the CPRI link.
    3. Performs several write transactions to the RTVS interface for the 10G variant, and confirms the testbench receives them form the DUT on the CPRI link.
    4. Performs several write transactions to the Ctrl_AxC interface and confirms the testbench receives them from the DUT on the CPRI link.
    5. Performs several HDLC transactions and confirms the testbench receives them from the DUT on the CPRI link.
    6. Performs several write transactions to the MI or GMI interface and confirms the testbench receives them from the DUT on the CPRI link.