1.3. Operating System Support
Information about operating system support for the Quartus® Prime Design Suite is available on the Operating System Support page.
Important: The Operating System Support page is the primary source for operating system support. Any information provided here is for convenience only. In the case of conflicting or inconsistent information, the Operating System Support page is considered correct.
Operating System Support Changes in Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 24.1std
Deprecated support for the following operating systems as of Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 24.1std:
- Ubuntu* Linux 18.04
- SUSE* Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5
- SUSE* Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3
Operating System Support Changes in Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 23.1std.1
There are no operating system support changes in Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 23.1std.1.
Operating System Support Changes in Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 23.1std
Added support for the following operating systems as of Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 23.1:
- Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* 8.7
- Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* 9.0
- Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* 9.1
Removed support for the following operating systems as of Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 23.1std:
- CentOS* Linux 8.2
- Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* 8.2
- Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* 8.4
- Ubuntu* 16.04
- Windows* 10 Version 1607 or earlier
Use Windows* 10 Version 1809 (build 17763) or later
- Windows* 11 Version 21H2 or earlier
Use Windows* 11 Version 22H2 (build 22621) or later
- Windows Server* 2016