1.2.1. Deprecated Features and Functions
Features and Functions Deprecated as of Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 24.1std.1
For Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition, support for using the LM_LICENSE_FILE and MGLS_LICENSE_FILE environment variables for licensing Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Migrate your Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition licensing to use the SALT_LICENSE_SERVER environment variable instead of the deprecated environment variables.
You can continue to use the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable for licensing Quartus® Prime software.
Features and Functions Deprecated as of Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 23.1std.1
No Quartus® Prime features or functions have been deprecated in Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 23.1std.1.
Features and Functions Deprecated as of Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 23.1std
The Nios® II Processor and Nios® II Embedded Design Suite products are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. For details, refer to Product Discontinuation Notice PDN2312.
These products are removed as of Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 24.1std. Migrate designs that use Nios® II products to use Nios® V products.