Quartus® Prime Standard and Lite Editions: Version 24.1std Software and Device Support Release Notes

ID 683593
Date 3/17/2025

1.2.1. Deprecated Features and Functions

The functions and features listed in this section have been deprecated but not removed from Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 24.1std .1 or earlier. Migrate your tools and processes to use the replacement or alternate features and functions before the deprecated features and functions are removed.

Features and Functions Deprecated as of Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 24.1std.1

For Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition, support for using the LM_LICENSE_FILE and MGLS_LICENSE_FILE environment variables for licensing Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Migrate your Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition licensing to use the SALT_LICENSE_SERVER environment variable instead of the deprecated environment variables.

You can continue to use the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable for licensing Quartus® Prime software.

Features and Functions Deprecated as of Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 23.1std.1

No Quartus® Prime features or functions have been deprecated in Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 23.1std.1.

Features and Functions Deprecated as of Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 23.1std

The Nios® II Processor and Nios® II Embedded Design Suite products are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. For details, refer to Product Discontinuation Notice PDN2312.

These products are removed as of Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Version 24.1std. Migrate designs that use Nios® II products to use Nios® V products.