Security User Guide: Intel® FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card N3000 Variants

ID 683519
Date 9/08/2020
Document Table of Contents

3.10. Creating a Custom HSM Manager

PACSign is a Python tool that uses a plugin architecture for the HSM interface. PACSign is distributed with managers for both OpenSSL and PKCS #11. This section describes the functionality required by PACSign from the HSM interface and shows how to construct a plugin.

The distribution of PACSign uses the following directory structure:

│ ├───openssl_manager
│ │ └───library
│ └───pkcs11_manager

The top level contains with the generic signing code in source. The HSM managers reside each in their own subdirectory under hsm_managers as packages. The directory name is what is given to PACSign’s --HSM_MANAGER command-line option. If the specific manager requires additional information, you can provide it using the optional --HSM_config command-line option. For example, the PKCS #11 plugin requires a *.json file describing the tokens and keys available on the HSM.

You must place each plugin that is to be supported in a subdirectory of the hsm_managers directory. Use a descriptive name for the directory that clearly describes the supported HSM. This subdirectory may have an file whose contents import the modules needed by the plugin. The names of the plugin modules are not important to the proper functioning of PACSign.

The newly-created plugin must be able to export one attribute named HSM_MANAGER that is invoked by PACSign with an optional configuration file name provided on the command-line. Invocation of HSM_MANAGER(config_file) returns a class with certain methods exposed, which are described in later sections.

Current implementations of HSM_MANAGER define it as a Python class object. The initialization function of the class reads and parses the configuration file (if present) and performs HSM initialization. For the PKCS #11 implementation, the class looks like this:
class HSM_MANAGER(object):
	def __init__(self, cfg_file = None):
		common_util.assert_in_error(cfg_file, \
			PKCS11 HSM manager requires a configuration file")
		self.session = None
		with open(cfg_file, "r") as read_file:
			self.j_data = json.load(read_file)
		j_data = self.j_data

		lib = pkcs11.lib(j_data['lib_path'])
		token = lib.get_token(token_label=j_data['token']['label'])
		self.session =['token']['user_password'])
		self.curve = j_data['curve']

		self.ecparams = self.session.create_domain_parameters( \
		pkcs11.KeyType.EC, {pkcs11.Attribute: \}, \
Error handling code has been omitted for clarity. This code does the following:
  • Opens and parses the *.json configuration file.
  • Loads the vendor-supplied PKCS #11 library into the program.
  • Sets up a session with the correct token.
  • Retrieves the proper elliptic curve parameters for the curve you select.

The following sections describe the required exported methods of this class.