Security User Guide: Intel® FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card N3000 Variants

ID 683519
Date 9/08/2020
Document Table of Contents

3.8. Creating a CSK ID Cancellation Bitstream

To cancel a CSK ID on an Intel® FPGA PAC, you must use PACSign to create a CSK ID cancellation bitstream. To do this, you must specify the type CANCEL, select the appropriate HSM manager and root key, and provide the CSK ID number to cancel. For OpenSSL, the CSK ID used during image signing is derived from the CSK filename. For PKCS11, the CSK ID used during image signing is extracted from the csk_id field in the configuration .json discussed in the next section.

  1. Create a cancellation bitstream.
    Using OpenSSL:
    PACSign SR -t CANCEL -H openssl_manager -r key_fim_root_public_key.pem -d 1 -o ssl_csk1_cancel.bin
    Using PKCS11:
    PACSign SR -t CANCEL -H pkcs11_manager -C softhsm.json -r root_key -d 1 -o hsm_csk1_cancel.bin
  2. Program the CSK ID cancellation on the Intel® FPGA PAC using the fpgasupdate tool.
    fpgasupdate ssl_csk1_cancel.bin b2:00.0

    CSK ID cancellation bitstreams are only valid on Intel® FPGA PACs that have been programmed with the corresponding root entry hash bitstream.

  3. After you program a CSK ID cancellation bitstream, you must power cycle the Intel® FPGA PAC.
    [PACSign_Demo]$ sudo rsu bmcimg b2:00.0