Multi Channel DMA for PCI Express* Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 683517
Date 9/15/2021

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Document Table of Contents Packet Gen Test

  1. Configuration in user/cli/perfq_app/perfq_app.h
    In the case of static channel mapping, modify the following parameters (ignore these parameters in the case of dynamic channel mapping):
    • /* PF count starts from 1 */

      #define IFC_QDMA_CUR_PF <pf number>

    • /* VF count starts from 1. Zero implies PF was used instead of VF */

      #define IFC_QDMA_CUR_VF <vf number>

    • /* Number of PFs */

      #define IFC_QDMA_PFS <number of PFs>

    • /* Channels available per PF */

      #define IFC_QDMA_PER_PF_CHNLS <number of channels per PF>

    • /* Channels available per VF */

      #define IFC_QDMA_PER_VF_CHNLS <number of channels per VF>

    • /* Number of VFs per PF */

      #define IFC_QDMA_PER_PF_VFS <number of VFs per PF>

  2. Continue the procedure in the steps in Software Setup for building and installing MCDMA.
  3. Run the perfq_app application command:
    $ ./perfq_app -b 0000:01:00.0 -p 32768 -d 2 -c 1 -a 2 -l 5 -z