Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Getting Started

ID 683463
Date 4/03/2023

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3.11.3. Project Database Commands

export_database Command

export_design exports the specified project database to the .qdb file you specify.

These commands require the quartus_cdb executable.

quartus_cdb <revision name> --export_design --file <file name>.qdb \
     --snapshot <synthesized/final>

import_database Command

import_design imports the specified project database to the .qdb file you specify.

quartus_cdb <revision name> --import_design --file <file name>.qdb 

export_block Command

export_block exports the specified partition database to the .qdb file you specify.

quartus_cdb -r  <project name> -c <revision name> --export_block \
     <partition name> --snapshot <name> --file <file name>.qdb