Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Getting Started

ID 683463
Date 4/03/2023

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3.4. Managing Project Settings

The New Project Wizard guides you to make initial project settings when you setup a new project. You can modify these and other global project settings in the Settings and Device dialog boxes, respectively. The .qsf stores the settings for each project revision. The optimization of these project settings helps the Compiler to generate programming files that meet or exceed your specifications.

Global Project Settings

To access global project settings, click Assignments > Settings, or click Settings on the Tasks pane.

Figure 22. Settings Dialog Box for Global Project Settings

The Settings dialog box provides access to settings that control project design files, synthesis, Fitter, and timing constraints, operating conditions, EDA tool file generation, programming file generation, and other project-level settings.

Additionally, the Assignment Editor (Assignments > Assignment Editor) provides a spreadsheet-like interface for specifying instance-specific settings and constraints.

Figure 23. Assignment Editor