Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator User Guide

ID 683445
Date 10/04/2021

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Document Table of Contents

3.2.1. Intel® FPGA PTC Data Entry Pages

The look and feel of the Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator ( Intel® FPGA PTC) is the same whether you are using the standalone version or the version integrated within the Intel® Quartus® Prime software. There are, however, differences depending on whether you are targeting Intel® Agilex™ or Intel® Stratix® 10 devices.

The following are the pages within the Intel® FPGA PTC:

  • The Main page allows you to enter device, package, and cooling information, and displays thermal analysis information pertaining to constant junction temperatures.
  • The Logic page allows you to enter logic resources for all modules in your design.
  • The RAM page represents design modules using RAM blocks. Among other information, enter RAM type, data width, RAM depth (if applicable), RAM mode, and port parameters.
  • The DSP page represents DSP design modules. Among other information, enter DSP configuration, clock frequency, toggle percentage, and register usage.
  • The Clock page represents clock networks of separate clock domains.
  • The PLL page represents one or more PLLs in the device.
  • The I/O page represents design modules using general-purpose I/O pins. This page does not apply to transceiver I/O pins. Among other information, enter I/O standard, input termination, current strength or output termination, data rate, clock frequency, output enable static probability, and capacitive load.
  • The I/O-IP page represents design modules using complex I/O IP, such as DDR.
  • The Transceiver page allows you to enter transceiver resources and their settings for all modules in your design.
  • The HPS page applies to devices with HPS.
  • The HBM page ( Intel® Stratix® 10 devices only).
  • The Thermal page allows you to enter temperature requirements for your design and displays thermal power and thermal analysis information.
  • The Report page shows per-rail currents calculated by the Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator (PTC).