Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents qed::configure_ssh_compute_spec (::quartus::qed)

The following table displays information for the qed::configure_ssh_compute_spec Tcl command:

Tcl Package and Version

Belongs to ::quartus::qed

Syntax qed::configure_ssh_compute_spec [-h | -help] [-long_help] [-exe <quartus_sta|quartus_cdb|quartus_sh> ] [-exe_options <exe_options> ] [-additional_args <additional_args> ] [-custom_ssh_port <custom_ssh_port> ] [-enable_trusted_x11_forwarding <enable_trusted_x11_forwarding> ] [-enable_x11_forwarding <enable_x11_forwarding> ] -hostnames <hostnames> [-initial_work_dir <initial_work_dir> ] [-jobs_per_host <jobs_per_host> ] [-lm_license_file <lm_license_file> ] [-local_remote_path_map <local_remote_path_map> ] [-private_key <private_key> ] [-quartus_rootdir <quartus_rootdir> ] [-reverse_tunnel_port <reverse_tunnel_port> ] [-ssh_client <ssh_client> ] [-ssh_server <ssh_server> ] [-user <user> ] <object>
Arguments -h | -help Short help
-long_help Long help with examples and possible return values
-exe <quartus_sta|quartus_cdb|quartus_sh> Executable to open the project with. Dictates the packages and commands that will be available to run.
-exe_options <exe_options> List of options to pass to executable.
-additional_args <additional_args> Additional arguments to pass to the SSH client when connecting to remote host
-custom_ssh_port <custom_ssh_port> Custom port to use when making the SSH connection. This is only needed if the remote host(s) uses a port other than port 22 for SSH
-enable_trusted_x11_forwarding <enable_trusted_x11_forwarding> Enable trusted X11 forward. Set to on to allow linux GUI to appear on local screen. X11 forwarding is not subjected to X11 Security extension control.
-enable_x11_forwarding <enable_x11_forwarding> Enable X11 forward. Set to on to allow linux GUI to appear on local screen. X11 forwarding is subjected to X11 Security extention restrictions
-hostnames <hostnames> Select servers to use. Supports a comma-separated list of hostnames, or a value of file:filename, where the named file contains newline separated hostnames.
-initial_work_dir <initial_work_dir> Initial working directory on remote host. The remote host will start in this directory.
-jobs_per_host <jobs_per_host> Number of jobs each host should run in parallel. Default is 1
-lm_license_file <lm_license_file> LM_LICENSE_FILE environment setting
-local_remote_path_map <local_remote_path_map> Shared directory mapping between local and remote host. Format is local_path;remote_path.
-private_key <private_key> Private key associated with the remote host
-quartus_rootdir <quartus_rootdir> Appropriate Quartus Prime Pro installation folder to access the project
-reverse_tunnel_port <reverse_tunnel_port> Enable port forwarding and specify a port on the remote host to be forwarded to the local host. Remote host will connect to DSE server using localhost:<reverse_tunnel_port> over the secured ssh channel.
-ssh_client <ssh_client> Path to the ssh client used to connect to remote host
-ssh_server <ssh_server> Windows only. Specify SSH server used by remote host. openssh or cygwin
-user <user> Username to login to remote machine
<object> Identifier associated with the object, must be unique
Sets properties on the specified object to cause background Quartus
Prime Pro software instances to connect through the ssh protocol.

The "-hostnames" option specifies a list of hostnames that can be
connected to through the ssh protocol that will execute the background
Quartus Prime Pro software instances. Entries in the list must be
comma-separated and may be formatted as "file:<filename>", where each
file contains a list of newline separated hostnames to consider alongside
any other entries specified.

The "-jobs_per_host" option limits the number of jobs a given host
can be assigned.

The "-custom_ssh_port" option overries the port to use when making
the SSH connection. Only required if the remote host(s) uses a port
other than port 22 for SSH.

The "-private_key" option specifies the private SSH key file to authenticate
and log in to remote host. Use this option if the remote host prompts user for
password when connecting using the ssh client. The corresponding public
key should have been appended to the remote host's
 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys or ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 files.

The "-private_key" option specifies a private key that is associated
with the remote host. The corresponding pulib key should have been
appending to the remote host's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys or ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2

The "-user" option specifies the user or login name to use when logging in to remote host.
Use this option if the user name on remote host is different from the current user.

The "-ssh_client" option specifies the path to the SSH client to
use when launching the connection. On Linux, it defaults to 'ssh'.
On Windows, it defaults to Cygwin ssh. Windows also supports plink
from the PuTTY package.

The "-additional_arguments" option specifies additional commandline arguments to pass to the SSH client.

The "-local_remote_path_map" specifies the shared directory mapping
between local and remote host. Format is local_path;remote_path.
Windows to Linux Example:
    [drive:\windows path];[linux path]
Linux to Windows Example:

The "-ssh_server" option specifies the server used by the remote host. Examples include openssh or cygwin.

The "-initial_work_dir" option specifies the directory that the
remote job should start in.

The "-reverse_tunnel_port" option Enables port forwarding and
specifies a port on the remote host to be forwarded to the local
host. Use this if there is a firewall that separates the local host
and the remote host. Remote host will connect to QED server using
localhost:<reverse_tunnel_port> over the secured ssh channel.
The port can be any ephemeral port that is not used by another
process. Set value to 'auto' to let QED to automatically find a free
network port on remote host. Omit this setting to disable port

The "-exe" option specifies the Quartus Prime Pro executable to run.
The supported options are quartus_sta, quartus_cdb, and quartus_sh.

The "-exe_options" option specifies any options passed to the
executable that is specified with the "-exe" option.

The "-quartus_rootdir" option specifies the directory location of the
desired Quartus Prime Pro software installation. This is the root directory
of the software installation, not the bin directory.

The "-lm_license_file" option specifies the LM_LICENSE_FILE value
that will be passed to the Quartus Prime software executable. If you
don't know the value, look in the Tools > License Setup dialog in
the Quartus Prime Pro software GUI.
Example Usage
    qed::configure_ssh_compute_spec workspace_id -exe quartus_sta -hostnames hostname -quartus_rootdir /path/to/acds/quartus
    qed::configure_ssh_compute_spec workspace_id -exe quartus_sta -hostnames file:/path/to/hostnames.txt -quartus_rootdir /path/to/acds/quartus
    qed::configure_ssh_compute_spec workspace_id -exe quartus_sta -hostnames host1,host2 -quartus_rootdir /path/to/acds/quartus
    qed::configure_ssh_compute_spec workspace_id -exe quartus_sta -hostnames hostname -quartus_rootdir /path/to/acds/quartus -user username -private_key ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Return Value Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 INFO: Operation successful