Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

1.7.4. Archive and Restore Projects

You can archive or restore an Quartus® Prime Archive File (.qar) with a single command. This makes it easy to take snapshots of projects when you use batch files or shell scripts for compilation and project management.

Use the --archive or --restore options for quartus_sh as appropriate. Type the command shown in the example at a command prompt to archive your project.

quartus_sh --archive <project name> 

The archive file is automatically named <project name>.qar. If you want to use a different name, type the command with the -output option as shown in example the example.

quartus_sh --archive <project name> -output <filename> 

To restore a project archive, type the command shown in the example at a command prompt.

quartus_sh --restore <archive name> 

The command restores the project archive to the current directory and overwrites existing files.