Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents get_part_info (::quartus::device)

The following table displays information for the get_part_info Tcl command:

Tcl Package and Version

Belongs to ::quartus::device

Syntax get_part_info [-h | -help] [-long_help] [-default_voltage] [-device] [-device_group] [-family] [-family_variant] [-fast_grade_revision] [-grade_revision] [-hssi_speed_grade] [-iobank_revision] [-package] [-pdn_model_status] [-pin_count] [-pof_id] [-power_model] [-power_model_status] [-rohs_grade] [-sip_tile] [-speed_grade] [-subdevice_id_code] [-subdevice_id_mask] [-temperature_grade] <part>
Arguments -h | -help Short help
-long_help Long help with examples and possible return values
-default_voltage Option to get the default core voltage (such as 0.9V or 1.1V)
-device Option to get device name (such as EP1S25 or EP1S80)
-device_group Option to get the device_group
-family Option to get family name (such as Stratix or Cyclone)
-family_variant Option to get family variant (such as Base, E or GX)
-fast_grade_revision Option to get the fast_grade_revision
-grade_revision Option to get the grade_revision
-hssi_speed_grade Option to get the hssi speed grade
-iobank_revision Option to get the iobank_revision
-package Option to get package name (such as FBGA or BGA)
-pdn_model_status Option to get the power distribution network (PDN) model status (such as ADVANCE, PRELIMINARY, or FINAL)
-pin_count Option to get total number of pins in the package
-pof_id Option to get the pof_id
-power_model Option to get the power model (such as STANDARD or LOW)
-power_model_status Option to get the power model status (such as PRELIMINARY or FINAL)
-rohs_grade Option to get the ROHS grade (ROHS5, ROHS6, Leaded)
-sip_tile Option to get SiP tile (such as L-tile, H-tile, E-tile)
-speed_grade Option to get speed grade (such as 5, 6, or 7)
-subdevice_id_code Option to get the subdevice_id_code
-subdevice_id_mask Option to get the subdevice_id_mask
-temperature_grade Option to get temperature grade of the package (such as COMMERCIAL or INDUSTRIAL)
<part> Part name
Returns part characteristics for the specified part.

If you use multiple options, the command returns a list 
in the following order:
    <family> <device> <package> <pin_count> <speed grade> <temperature_grade> <family_variant> <power_model_status> <hssi_speed_grade> <power_model> <rohs_grade>
Example Usage
tcl> get_part_info -family EP1S25F780C5
tcl> Stratix

tcl> get_part_info -family -device EP1S25F780C5
tcl> Stratix EP1S25

tcl> get_part_info -device -package -pin_count -speed_grade EP1S25F780C5
tcl> EP1S25 FBGA 780 5
Return Value Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 INFO: Operation successful
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Illegal die location name: <string>. Specify a legal die location name.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Illegal resource name: <string>. Specify a legal resource name.