Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents update_timing_netlist (::quartus::sta)

The following table displays information for the update_timing_netlist Tcl command:

Tcl Package and Version

Belongs to ::quartus::sta

Syntax update_timing_netlist [-h | -help] [-long_help] [-dynamic_borrow] [-full] [-loop_aware_dynamic_borrow] [-no_borrow] [-recompute_borrow]
Arguments -h | -help Short help
-long_help Long help with examples and possible return values
-dynamic_borrow Use time borrowing values that are correct for the current clock constraints
-full Forces creation of an updated timing netlist to ensure correctness
-loop_aware_dynamic_borrow Determine time borrowing values as with the -dynamic_borrow option with an addition loop-detection layer to prevent excessive time borrowing in sequential latch loops
-no_borrow Turn off all time borrowing
-recompute_borrow Recompute optimal time borrowing values
Updates and applies SDC commands to the timing netlist. The
update_timing_netlist command expands and validates generated clocks, warns
about sources in the design that require clock settings, identifies and removes
combinational loops, and warns about undefined input/output delays.

Most Tcl commands (e.g., report_timing) automatically update the timing netlist
when necessary. You can use the update_timing_netlist command explicitly to
control when updating occurs, or to force a full update using the -full option.

The update_timing_netlist command can also be used to control time borrowing
behavior. Time borrowing is a technique whereby certain flip-flops in certain
device families are allowed to have signals that arrive late (thus improving
upstream slack), at the expense of downstream slack. The amount of time
borrowing allowed at each flip-flop is hardware-dependent.

By default, optimal time borrowing values are computed at the end of the Fitter
(Finalize) stage (if enabled by your compilation settings), and these are the
values you will see in the timing reports. To turn off time borrowing support,
use the -no_borrow option. This is not recommended,	as it may result in
significantly pessimistic timing results.

If you have changed clock constraints after compiling your design, pre-computed
optimal time borrowing values may no longer be valid. Time borrowing is turned
off for the changed clocks, resulting in pessimistic timing. To get optimal
results once again, run update_timing_netlist with the -recompute_borrow option.
This may take significant time on large designs, but the results are saved and
available the next time you run update_timing_netlist without any time borrowing

The time borrowing optimization algorithm has a few limitation - for example, it
never borrows any time on sources of cross-clock transfers, sources of paths
with set_max_delay or set_max_skew constraints, or in any clock domain
containing at least one level-sensitive latch. If your design is correctly
constrained, you may overcome these limitations and get better timing results
with the -dynamic_borrow option, which calculates time borrowing amounts based
on your actual clock constraints (rather than optimizing for highest FMax within
each clock domain). Note that -dynamic_borrowing is not recommended for
overconstrained designs.

Using the -dynamic_borrow option may result in excessive time borrowing in
sequential loops of level-sensitive latches, potentially leading to worse
downstream slack. If your design contains such loops and you encounter this
behavior, use the -loop_aware_dynamic_borrow option to detect sequential latch
loops when evaluating their borrow amounts. Note that enabling this loop-
detection feature may result in increased memory consumption and significantly
increased runtime for large designs.
Example Usage
project_open top

report_timing -to_clock clk1
report_timing -to_clock clk2

Return Value Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 INFO: Operation successful
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Timing netlist does not exist. Use create_timing_netlist to create a timing netlist.