Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 10/02/2023

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2.4.2. Temporarily Overriding the Compiler Optimization Mode

You can run a full compilation flow that temporarily overrides the compiler optimization mode set in the Quartus settings file (.qsf) for your design. The optimization mode set for your project in your settings file does not change and remains the default compilation strategy for your project.

Overriding the compiler optimization mode set in your project can be helpful when your project has long compile times and you want to quickly produce a bitstream for on-chip testing.

The following temporary optimization mode compilation flow options are available for the quartus_sh --flow, quartus_fit, and quartus_syn commands:
  • -aggressive_compile_time

    In the Aggressive Compile Time optimization mode, the Compiler reduces its performance optimization efforts and performs minimal reporting to provide a shorter compilation time.

  • -fast_functional_test

    In Fast Functional Test optimization mode, the Compiler minimizes its setup-timing optimization efforts to provide an even shorter compilation time.

For example, to compile revision rev1 of project top with a temporary Fast Functional Test optimization mode that overrides the compiler optimization mode set in the project .qsf file, issue the following command:
quartus_sh --flow compile top -c rev1 -fast_functional_test

The selected optimization mode is enabled only for the duration of the compilation. After the compilation completes, Intel® Quartus® Prime returns to the compilation optimization strategy that is set in the project settings.

Important: With these optimization modes, the clocks in the resulting compilation might not meet setup. You might need to slow down the clocks on your design, such as by using PLL ECOs post-compile, before generating the bitstream.