Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 10/02/2023

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2.7.6. Create Device Configuration Files

You can use the quartus_cpf or quartus_pfg command line executables to generate different types of device configuration files at the command line, depending on your target device.
  • quartus_pfg—controls the same programming file generation functions as the Programming File Generator dialog box in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software GUI, and supports programming file generation for Intel® Stratix® 10 and Intel Agilex® 7 device families.
    Table 3.   quartus_pfg Command Examples
    Command Function Command Syntax
    Specify the ASX4 operation mode, convert .sof to .jic
    quartus_pfg -c  -o device=MT25QU512 -o mode=ASX4 -o flash_loader=1SG280HN3S3 \
          project.sof project.jic
    Access full command-line syntax help
    quartus_pfg --help
  • quartus_cpf—controls the same functions as the Convert Programming Files dialog box in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software GUI, and supports programming file generation for all device families prior to the Intel® Stratix® 10 device family.
    Table 4.   quartus_cpf Command Examples
    Command Function Command Syntax
    Create an option file that turns on compression, type the following command at a command prompt
    quartus_cpf -w <filename>.opt
    Create a compressed .pof that targets an EPCS64 device
    quartus_cpf --convert --option=<filename>.opt --device=EPCS64 \
    <file>.sof <file>.pof
    Save configuration options in a conversion setup file (.cof)
    quartus_cpf --convert <file>.cof
    Convert a .sof programming file to CvP periphery image (*.jam) file
    quartus_cpf -c <filename>.sof <filename>.jam --cvp
    Access full command-line syntax help
    quartus_cpf --help
Note: For complete Intel® Quartus® Prime command line executable syntax and examples, refer to Command-Line Scripting Help.