AN 934: Using Flexible Radio Platform with Intel® Arria® 10 FPGA and ADI ADRV9029 Sub6G EBZ Board

ID 683317
Date 6/08/2022

1.2. Hardware and Software Requirements

Running the Demo

To run the demo of the reference example, ensure that you have the appropriate hardware and software.
  • Intel® Arria® 10 SoC Development Kit, Rev C, including:
    • DDR4 HiLo memory card
    • Micro SD boot flash card
    • Micro USB cable for on-board Intel® FPGA Download Cable II
  • Micro SD card (4 Gb or greater)
  • Host PC with:
    • Micro SD card slot or micro SD card writer/reader
    • Intel® Quartus® Prime Programmer of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 19.1.0 Build 240

Developing Design Based on Demo Project

To develop your own design based on this demo project, ensure that you have the appropriate hardware and software.
  • Intel® Arria® 10 SoC Development Kit, Rev C, including:
    • DDR4 HiLo memory card
    • Micro SD boot flash card
    • Mini USB cable for serial output
    • Micro USB cable for on-board Intel® FPGA Download Cable II
  • Micro SD card (4 Gb or greater)
  • Host PC with:
    • Linux (Ubuntu 16.04)
    • Serial terminal (for example, Minicom on Linux and TeraTerm or PuTTY on Windows)
    • Micro SD card slot or Micro SD card writer/reader
    • Intel® SoC FPGA Embedded Development Suite (SoC EDS) version 20.1
    • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 20.1
  • ADI ADRV9029 Sub6G EBZ board
  • ADI ADRV9029 Sub6G EBZ software (supported only in Windows x64 systems)