Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Design Compilation

ID 683283
Date 10/22/2021
Document Table of Contents Synopsys Synplify Pro/Premier and Mentor Graphics Precision RTL Plus

The Synplify Pro and Synplify Premier software include the MultiPoint synthesis feature to perform incremental synthesis for each design block assigned as a Compile Point in the user interface or a script. The Precision RTL Plus software includes an incremental synthesis feature that performs block‑based synthesis based on Partition assignments in the source HDL code. These features provide automated block-based incremental synthesis flows and create different output netlist files for each block when set up for an Altera device.

Using incremental synthesis within your synthesis tool ensures that only those sections of a design that have been updated are resynthesized when the design is compiled, reducing synthesis run time and preserving the results for the unchanged blocks. You can change and resynthesize one section of a design without affecting other sections of the design.