Document Table of Contents Example—Constants in Merged Partitions

For example, the left diagram of the figure shows part of a design in which partition A defines some signals as constants (and assumes that the other input connections come from elsewhere in the design and are not shown in the figure). Constants such as these could appear due to parameter or generic settings or configurations with parameters, setting a bus to a specific set of values, or could result from optimizations that occur within a group of logic. Because the blocks are independent, the software cannot optimize the logic in block B based on the information from block A. The right side of the figure shows a merged partition that groups the logic in blocks A and B. If the two blocks A and B are not under the same immediate parent partition, you can create a wrapper file to define a new level of hierarchy that contains both blocks, and set this new hierarchical block as the partition.

Within the single merged partition, the Quartus® Prime software can use the constants to optimize and remove much of the logic in block B (shown in gray), as shown in the figure.

Figure 13. Keeping Constants in the Same Partition as the Logic They Feed