Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Design Compilation

ID 683283
Date 10/22/2021
Document Table of Contents

3.8.1. Hierarchical Node-Naming Conventions

To make each name in your design unique, the Quartus® Prime software adds the hierarchy path to the beginning of each name. The “|” separator indicates a level of hierarchy. For each instance in the hierarchy, the software adds the entity name and the instance name of that entity, with the “:” separator between each entity name and its instance name. For example, if a design defines entity A with the name my_A_inst, the hierarchy path of that entity would be A:my_A_inst. You can obtain the full name of any node by starting with the hierarchical instance path, followed by a “|”, and ending with the node name inside that entity.

This example shows you the convention:

<entity 0>:<instance_name 0>|<entity 1>:<instance_name 1>|...|<instance_name n>|<node_name>

For example, if entity A contains a register (DFF atom) called my_dff, its full hierarchy name would be A:my_A_inst|my_dff.

To instruct the Compiler to generate node names that do not contain entity names, on the Compilation Process Settings page of the Settings dialog box, click More Settings, and then turn off Display entity name for node name.

With this option turned off, the node names use the convention in shown in this example:

<instance_name 0>|<instance_name 1>|...|<instance_name n> |<node_name>