Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Design Compilation

ID 683283
Date 10/22/2021
Document Table of Contents Design Creation Flow

The design creation flow describes the necessary steps for initial design creation in a way that allows you to modify your design. Some of the steps are architectural constraints and the remaining steps are steps that you need to perform in the Quartus® Prime software. Use the design creation flow for the first pass certification of your product.

When you make modifications to the safety IP in your design, you must use the design creation flow.

Figure 4. Design Creation Flow

The design creation flow becomes active when you have a valid safety IP partition in your Quartus® Prime project and that safety IP partition does not have place and route data from a previous compile. In the design creation flow, the Assembler generates a Partial Settings Mask (.psm) file for each safety IP partition. Each .psm file contains a list of programming bits for its respective safety IP partition.

The Quartus® Prime software determines whether to use the design creation flow or design modification flow on a per partition basis. It is possible to have multiple safety IP partitions in a design where some are running the design creation flow and others are running the design modification flow.

To reset the complete design to the design creation flow, remove the previous place and route data by cleaning the project (removing the dbs). Alternatively, use the partition import flow, to selectively reset the design. You can remove the netlists for the imported safety IP partitions individually using the Design Partitions window.