CIC Intel® FPGA IP: User Guide

ID 683246
Date 9/30/2019
Document Table of Contents

1. About the CIC Intel® FPGA IP

Updated for:
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite 19.3
IP Version 19.3
The CIC Intel® FPGA IP implements a cascaded integrator-comb (CIC) filter with data ports that are compatible with the Avalon® streaming interface. CIC filters (also known as Hogenauer filters) are computationally efficient for extracting baseband signals from narrow-band sources using decimation. They also construct narrow-band signals from processed baseband signals using interpolation.

CIC filters use only adders and registers; they require no multipliers to handle large rate changes. Therefore, CIC is a suitable and economical filter architecture for hardware implementation, and is widely used in sample rate conversion designs such as digital down converters (DDC) and digital up converters (DUC).