Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Compilation

ID 683236
Date 6/21/2022

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Document Table of Contents Instances Bundling and Auto-hiding Unconnected Pins

To improve schematic readability, the RTL Analyzer bundles single-bit instances into a collection known as a bundled instance and hides unconnected pins of instances by default.

Instances Bundling

Bundled instances appear stacked, and the indexes of the bits appear in the instance name as left and right indexes. You can expand bundled instances to view single-bit instance members in the hierarchy browser. You can view more information about a bundled instance, such as the number of instances, left and right index, and instance members from the Properties viewer.

In the following figure, count_int[31:0] is a bundled instance where, 31 is the left index and 0 is the right index. Under the Objects pane (hierarchy browser), count_int[0], count_int[10], count_int[11], and so on are single-bit instance members.

Figure 9. Bundled Instance

Auto-hiding Unconnected Pins

This option is enabled by default. Auto-hiding unconnected pins make the instance symbol less cluttered by hiding pins that are not connected to any net. You can disable this option when you want to view all pins or obtain properties of unconnected pins. You can either disable this mode for all instances in the Display setting or for a particular instance using the context-sensitive menu, as shown in the following image:

Figure 10. Auto-hiding Unconnected Pins