Visible to Intel only — GUID: jku1619140404618
1. HDMI Intel® FPGA IP Design Example Quick Start Guide for Arria® 10 Devices
2. HDMI 2.1 Design Example (Support FRL = 1)
3. HDMI 2.0 Design Example (Support FRL = 0)
4. HDCP Over HDMI 2.0/2.1 Design Example
5. HDMI Arria® 10 FPGA IP Design Example User Guide Archives
6. Revision History for HDMI Arria® 10 FPGA IP Design Example User Guide
2.1. HDMI 2.1 RX-TX Retransmit Design Block Diagram
2.2. Creating RX-Only or TX-Only Designs
2.3. Hardware and Software Requirements
2.4. Directory Structure
2.5. Design Components
2.6. Dynamic Range and Mastering (HDR) InfoFrame Insertion and Filtering
2.7. Design Software Flow
2.8. Running the Design in Different FRL Rates
2.9. Clocking Scheme
2.10. Interface Signals
2.11. Design RTL Parameters
2.12. Hardware Setup
2.13. Simulation Testbench
2.14. Design Limitations
2.15. Debugging Features
2.16. Upgrading Your Design
3.1. HDMI 2.0 RX-TX Retransmit Design Block Diagram
3.2. Hardware and Software Requirements
3.3. Directory Structure
3.4. Design Components
3.5. Dynamic Range and Mastering (HDR) InfoFrame Insertion and Filtering
3.6. Clocking Scheme
3.7. Interface Signals
3.8. Design RTL Parameters
3.9. Hardware Setup
3.10. Simulation Testbench
3.11. Upgrading Your Design
Visible to Intel only — GUID: jku1619140404618
Ixiasoft hdcp1x_tx_kmem.v and hdcp1x_rx_kmem.v files
For hdcp1x_tx_kmem.v and hdcp1x_rx_kmem.v files
- These two files are sharing the same format.
- To identify the correct HDCP1 TX DCP key file for hdcp1x_tx_kmem.v, make sure the first 4 bytes of the file are “0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00”.
- To identify the correct HDCP1 RX DCP key file for hdcp1x_rx_kmem.v, make sure the first 4 bytes of the file are “0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00”.
- The keys in the DCP key files are in little-endian format. To use in kmem files, you must convert them into big-endian.
Figure 34. Byte mapping from HDCP1 TX DCP key file into hdcp1x_tx_kmem.v
This figure shows the exact byte mapping from HDCP1 TX DCP key file into hdcp1x_tx_kmem.v. The same mapping applies to hdcp1x_rx_kmem.v.
Note: The byte number displays in below format:
- Key size in bytes * key number + byte number in current row + constant offset + row size in bytes * row number.
- 308*n indicates that each key set has 308 bytes.
- 7*y indicates that each row has 7 bytes.
Figure 35. HDCP1 TX DCP key file filling with junk values

Figure 36. Wire Arrays of hdcp1x_tx_kmem.v
Example of hdcp1x_tx_kmem.v and how its wire arrays map to the example of HDCP1 TX DCP key file in Figure 35.