Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Constraints

ID 683143
Date 8/07/2024

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Document Table of Contents Step 1: Setup and Synthesize the Project

Interface Planner requires at least a partially complete, synthesized Quartus® Prime project as input. You can also use Interface Planner to adjust placement for a fully complete design project.
Follow these steps to setup the project and run synthesis:
  1. Complete at least the following steps for your design:
    • Fully define known device periphery interfaces.
    • Instantiate all known interface IP cores.
    • Declare all general purpose I/Os.
    • Define the I/O standard, voltage, drive strength, and slew rate for all general purpose I/Os.
    • Define the core clocking (optional, but recommended).
    • Connect all interfaces of the periphery IP to virtual pins or test logic. This technique creates loop backs on any interfaces in the shell design, helping to ensure that periphery interfaces persist after synthesis optimization.
  2. To synthesize the design, click Processing > Start > Start Analysis & Synthesis. You must run at least Analysis & Synthesis before running Interface Planner.