SDI II Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683133
Date 4/04/2022

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5.3.16. Extract Payload ID

This submodule detects one 10-bit Y data stream from an interface and extracts the payload ID packet present in that data stream.

This submodule produces a valid signal, which indicates that a valid payload ID packet data is present on the submodule's payload output port. The submodule updates this payload each time it detects an error-free SMPTE ST 352 packet. The submodule discards erroneous packets like checksum error and the payload port retains the information from the last good packet. The valid output signal goes high immediately upon receiving a good packet. If the submodule detects erroneous packets or the packets are no longer present, the valid output signal remains high for a number of frames or fields after the last good packet is received.

This submodule provides all four bytes of the payload ID data on its payload output port.