Visible to Intel only — GUID: bwb1663127132237
Visible to Intel only — GUID: bwb1663127132237
Ixiasoft Status Register
Bit | Name | Access | Description |
15 | RAFULL | Read-only | RXFIFO almost full. The remaining RXFIFO depth to assert almost full status can be configurable in GUI. |
14 | RFULL | Read-only | RXFIFO full |
13 | RUE56 | Read-write | RXFIFO underrun error. This error occurs when you issue a read transaction when RXFIFO is empty. In this state, the default value is 0x0F. |
12 | EOP56 | Read-write | End of packet encountered
Note: Only applicable if parameter Include end-of-packet is enabled.
11 | CTS | Read-only | Clear-to-send (CTS) signal
Note: Only applicable if parameter Include CTS/RTS is enabled.
10 | DCTS56 | Read-write | Change in clear to send (CTS) signal
Note: Only applicable if parameter Include CTS/RTS is enabled.
9 | Reserved | N/A | Reserved |
8 | E | Read-only | Exception condition (framing error, parity error, TXFIFO overrun error, RXFIFO overrun error, RXFIFO underrun error, or break detect) encountered. |
7 | RRDY | Read-only | Receive character ready 0: RXFIFO is empty 1: RXFIFO is not empty |
6 | TRDY | Read-only | Transmit ready 0: TXFIFO is full 1: TXFIFO is not full |
5 | TMT | Read-only | Transmit data empty Indicates that both TXFIFO and transmit shift register is empty |
4 | TOE56 | Read-write | TXFIFO overrun error This error occurs when you issue a write transaction when TXFIFO is full. Any write data to TXFIFO at this state causes missing data. |
3 | ROE56 | Read-write | RXFIFO overrun error This error occurs when RXFIFO is full and that there is newly received character from the receiver shift register. This causes the latest received data to be missing. |
2 | BRK56 | Read-write | Break detect |
1 | FE56 | Read-write | Framing error |
0 | PE56 | Read-write | Parity error |