Cyclone® V Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683126
Date 12/03/2024
Document Table of Contents Message Valid (MsgVal)

  • 0= The message object is ignored by the message handler
  • 1= The message object is configured and should be considered by the message handler

The host processor must set the MsgVal bit of all unused message objects to 0 before it resets the initialization bit (Init) of the CAN control register (CCTRL) to initialize the CAN controller. MsgVal must also be set to 0 when the message object is no longer in use.

The MsgVal field is directly readable from the message valid registers (MOVALA, MOVALB, MOVALC, MOVALD, and MOVALX). However, to write to the MsgVal field for a specific message object, the host processor must write to the message interface registers.