Cyclone® V Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683126
Date 12/03/2024
Document Table of Contents

A.6.3. Loading the Preloader Image

The boot ROM code loads the image from flash memory into the on-chip RAM and passes control to the preloader. The boot ROM code checks for a valid image by verifying the header and cyclic redundancy check (CRC) in the preloader image.

The boot ROM code checks the header for the following information:

  • Validation word—validates the preloader image. The validation word has a fixed value of 0x31305341.
  • Version—indicates the header version.
  • Program length—the total length of the image (in 32-bit words) from offset 0x0 to the end of code area, including exception vectors and CRC.
  • Checksum—a checksum of all the bytes in the header, from offset 0x40 to 0x49.

The preloader image has a maximum size of 60 KB. This size is limited by the on-chip RAM size of 64 KB, where 4 KB is reserved as a workspace for the boot ROM data and stack. The preloader can use this 4 KB region (for its stack and data, for example) after the boot ROM code passes control to the preloader. This 4 KB region is overwritten by the boot ROM code on a subsequent reset. The following figure shows the preloader image layout in the on-chip RAM after being loaded from the boot ROM.

Figure 155. Preloader Image Layout

Exception vectors—Exception vectors are located at the start of the on-chip RAM. Typically, the second-stage boot loader remaps the lowest region of the memory map to the on-chip RAM (from the boot ROM) to create easier access to the exception vectors.

Header—contains information such as validation word, version, flags, program length, and checksum for the boot ROM code to validate the preloader boot loader image before passing control to the second-stage boot loader.

Entry point—After the boot ROM code validates the header, the boot ROM code jumps to this address.

User-defined code—typically contains the program code of the preloader.

CRC—contains a CRC of data from address 0xFFFF0000 to 0xFFFF0000+(Program Length*4)–0x0004. The polynomial used to validate the preloader image is:

x 32 + x 26 + x 23 + x 22 + x 16 + x 12 + x 11 + x 10 + x 8 + x 7 + x 5 + x 4 + x 2 + x + 1

There is no reflection of the bits. The initial value of the remainder is 0xFFFFFFFF and the final value is XORed with 0xFFFFFFFF.

Reserved at reset—the top 4 KB is reserved for the boot ROM code after a reset. The boot ROM code uses this area for internal structures, workspace, and post-mortem dump. This area includes the shared memory where the boot ROM code passes information to the preloader.