F-Tile Serial Lite IV Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683074
Date 6/21/2022

A newer version of this document is available. Customers should click here to go to the newest version.

Document Table of Contents

9. Document Revision History for the F-Tile Serial Lite IV Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

Document Version Intel® Quartus® Prime Version IP Version Changes
2022.06.21 22.2 6.0.0
  • Updated Table: Intel Agilex F-Tile Serial Lite IV Intel FPGA IP Resource Utilization
  • Updated Table: F-Tile Serial Lite IV Intel FPGA IP Features
    • Updated description for Data Transfer.
  • Updated Table: F-Tile Serial Lite IV Intel FPGA IP Parameter Description
    • Updated values for PMA data rate.
    • Renamed PLL reference clock frequency to PMA reference clock frequency.
    • Added Custom System PLL frequency.
  • Added IP-XACT file generation information to section: Specifying the IP Parameters and Options.
2022.04.28 22.1 5.0.0
  • Updated Table: F-Tile Serial Lite IV Intel FPGA IP Features
    • Updated Data Transfer description with additional FHT transceiver rate support: 58G NRZ, 58G PAM4, and 116G PAM4
  • Updated Table: F-Tile Serial Lite IV Intel FPGA IP Parameter Description
    • Added new parameter
      • System PLL reference clock frequency
      • Enable debug endpoint
    • Updated the Values for PMA data rate
    • Updated parameter naming to match GUI
2021.11.16 21.3 3.0.0
  • Updated the description for data transfer in Table: F-Tile Serial Lite IV Intel® FPGA IP Features.
  • Renamed table name IP to F-Tile Serial Lite IV Intel® FPGA IP Parameter Description in the Parameters section for clarity.
2021.10.22 21.3 3.0.0
  • Updated Table: IP parameters:
    • Added a new parameter—RSFEC enabled on the other Serial Lite IV Simplex IP placed at the same FGT channel(s).
    • Updated the default values for Transceiver reference clock frequency.
2021.08.18 21.2 2.0.0 Initial release.