Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Programmer

ID 683039
Date 4/01/2024

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2.9.4. Input Files Tab Settings (Programming File Generator)

The Input Files tab allows you to specify the .sof, .pmsf, or .rbf file that contains the configuration bitstream data required to generate one or more secondary programming files. The Input Files tab and options change dynamically, according to your Output Files tab selections.

The following input file settings are available:

Table 31.  Input File Settings
Setting Description
Add Bitstream Click this button to specify a .sof, .pmsf, or .rbf as input for generation of the secondary programming file you select in Output Files. Depending on the target device, the Quartus® Prime software may allow you to add multiple SOF files.
Add Raw Data Click this button to specify a .hex or .bin file that contains raw programming data as input for generation of the secondary programming file you select in Output Files.
Remove Removes the file you select from the Input Files tab.
Properties Displays the properties of the item you select in the Input Files tab.