Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Programmer

ID 683039
Date 4/01/2024

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2.9.8. Add Filesystem Dialog Box (Programming File Generator)

To open in the Programming File Generator, click the Configuration Device tab, select a device from the list, and click Add Filesystem.

Allows you to specify the attributes of a new file system partition. The following settings are available:

Table 35.  Add Filesystem Dialog Box Settings
Setting Description
Name Name given to the file system. This value is fixed and set to LITTLEFS.

You cannot change this value.

Input file Input ZIP file that contains files to write to the file system partition.
Address Mode The options are as follows:
  • Highest

    Allocate the start address of the file system partition at the highest address of the flash memory device.

  • Start

    Allocate the start address of the file system partition at the start address specified in the Start address field.

  • Auto

    Allocate the start address for the file system partition automatically.

Start address Specifies the start address of the file system.

Enabled only when Address Mode is Start.

Size (MB) Specifies the size of the file system partition in MB. The default file system size is 1 MB.

Enabled only when Address Mode is Highest or Start.