Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Programmer

ID 683039
Date 4/01/2024

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2.3. Basic Device Configuration Steps

Basic FPGA Device Configuration over JTAG involves opening the Quartus® Prime Programmer, connecting to a device on a development kit or board, and loading the configuration SRAM Object File (.sof) into the SRAM of the FPGA. The following steps describe the basic JTAG device configuration flow:
  1. To run the Assembler to generate primary programming files, click Processing > Start > Start Assembler. The Compiler runs any prerequisite stages and generates programming files according to your specifications, as Generating Primary Device Programming Files describes.
  2. To open the Programmer, click Tools > Programmer.
  3. Connect the board cables. For JTAG device configuration, connect the JTAG USB cable to the board, and connect the power cable attached to the board to a power source.
  4. Turn on power to the board.
  5. In the Programmer, select JTAG for the programming Mode, as Programming and Configuration Modes describes.
  6. Click Hardware Setup. In the Hardware list, select connected programming hardware, as Specifying the Programming Hardware Setup describes.
    Figure 25. Hardware Setup
  7. In the Found Devices list, select the device that matches your design and click OK.
    Figure 26. Select Device
  8. Right-click the row in the file list, and then click Change File.
    Figure 27. Programmer Window
  9. Browse to select the .sof file.
  10. Enable the Program/Configure option for the row.
    Figure 28. Program/Configure Option
  11. Click Start. The progress bar reaches 100% when device configuration is complete. The device is now fully configured and in operation.
    Figure 29. Programming Successful
    Note: If device configuration fails, confirm that the device you select for configuration matches the device you specify during .sof file generation.