Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-CF0AAC98-477E-44BD-997F-41E81748E67B
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-CF0AAC98-477E-44BD-997F-41E81748E67B
K-Means initialization
The K-Means initialization algorithm receives n feature vectors as input and chooses k initial centroids. After initialization, K-Means algorithm uses the initialization result to partition input data into k clusters.
Operation |
Computational methods |
Programming Interface |
Mathematical formulation
Given the training set of p-dimensional feature vectors and a positive integer k, the problem is to find a set of p-dimensional initial centroids.
Computing method: dense
The method chooses first k feature vectors from the training set X.
Computing method: random_dense
The method chooses random k feature vectors from the training set X.
Computing method: plus_plus_dense (only on CPU)
The method is designed as follows: the first centroid is selected randomly and . Then the following step is repeated until C reaches the necessary size.
Computing method: parallel_plus_dense (only on CPU)
The method is the same as K-Means++, but the data is divided into equal parts and the algorithm runs on each of them.
Programming Interface
Refer to API Reference: K-Means initialization.
Usage Example
table run_compute(const table& data) { const auto kmeans_desc = kmeans_init::descriptor<float, kmeans_init::method::dense>{} .set_cluster_count(10) const auto result = compute(kmeans_desc, data); print_table("centroids", result.get_centroids()); return result.get_centroids(); }
oneAPI DPC++
Batch Processing:
oneAPI C++
Batch Processing: