Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-0DCFD8BE-2F55-4438-BEE6-DECA73E62245
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-0DCFD8BE-2F55-4438-BEE6-DECA73E62245
CSV data source
Refer to Developer Guide: CSV data source.
Programming Interface
All types and functions in this section are declared in the oneapi::dal::csv namespace and be available via inclusion of the oneapi/dal/io/csv.hpp header file.
enum class read_options : std::uint64_t { none = 0, parse_header = 1 << 0 }; constexpr char default_delimiter = ','; constexpr read_options default_read_options = read_options::none; class data_source { public: data_source(const char *file_name, char delimiter = default_delimiter, read_options opts = default_read_options); data_source(const std::string &file_name, char delimiter = default_delimiter, read_options opts = default_read_options); std::string get_file_name() const; char get_delimiter() const; read_options get_read_options() const; };
data_source(constchar*file_name, chardelimiter=default_delimiter, read_optionsopts=default_read_options)
Creates a new instance of a CSV data source with the given file_name, delimiter and read options opts flag.
data_source(conststd::string&file_name, chardelimiter=default_delimiter, read_optionsopts=default_read_options)
Creates a new instance of a CSV data source with the given file_name, delimiter and read options opts flag.
A string that contains the name of the file with the dataset to read.
- Getter
std::string get_filename() const
A character that represents the delimiter between separate features in the input file.
- Getter
char get_delimter() const
Value that stores read options to be applied during reading of the input file. Enabled parse_header option indicates that the first line in the input file is processed as a header record with features names.
- Getter
read_options get_read_options() const
Reading oneapi::dal::read<Object>(...)
template <typename Object> class read_args { public: read_args(); };
Creates args for the read operation with the default attribute values.
oneapi::dal::table is the only supported value of the Object template parameter for read operation with CSV data source.
- Template Parameters
Object – oneDAL object type that is produced as a result of reading from the data source.
DataSource – CSV data source csv::data_source.
Usage Example
using namespace oneapi; const auto data_source = dal::csv::data_source("data.csv", ','); const auto table = dal::read<dal::table>(data_source);