Intel® Inspector User Guide for Linux* OS

ID 767796
Date 10/31/2024
Document Table of Contents

Pane: Timeline

Pane position in window

To access this Intel Inspector pane: Click the Summary button on the Navigation toolbar. Use this pane on the Summary window to graphically visualize the relationship between threads and the code locations for the problem occurrences displayed in the Code Locations pane.

Use This

To Do This

Pane controls

  • Show code location information in text form (hover the mouse pointer over a or marker).


    There is a marker for every code location in the problem occurrence displayed in the Code Locations pane. If a marker is hidden behind another, the Intel Inspector shows text information for both the shown and hidden code locations.

  • Show/hide this pane (click Pane toggle icon or ).

Thread (blue) bars

  • Review the number of threads used during application execution.

  • Review relative thread duration.

  • Distinguish a thread with a code location in the Code Locations pane (thick bar) from a thread without such a code location (thin bar).

  • Identify the name of a thread with a code location in the Code Locations pane. Intel Inspector tries to provide meaningful thread names in the following forms:

    • Thread ID

    • And thread name or function called to start the thread


Identify the thread with the code location highlighted in the Code Locations pane.


Identify the thread with code locations not highlighted in the Code Locations pane.

Pane border

Resize the pane (drag).