Intel® Inspector User Guide for Linux* OS

ID 767796
Date 10/31/2024
Document Table of Contents

Pane: Code and Stack

Pane position in window

To access this Intel Inspector pane: In the Summary window, double-click result data to display the Sources window. Use this pane on the Sources window to:

  • Explore the relationship among code locations for a problem occurrence.

  • Examine a snapshot of source code and low-level operations at the time of analysis.

  • Edit source code to resolve issues.

Use This

To Do This

Code location region title

Review code location summary and thread information.

Code location region control

Collapse or expand the code location region (click or ).

Source tab

  • Explore source code surrounding the code location. (The blue highlight marks the code location source line.)

  • Edit source code in your default editor (double-click).

Disassembly tab

Examine the low-level operations involved in the problem.

Source tab context menu

  • Edit Source - Edit source code in your default editor.

  • Copy to Clipboard - Copy the selected code to the system clipboard.

  • Explain Problem - Explain, in generic terms, the error associated with the code.