Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-15D09574-7A47-473A-B1C1-4D385239D604
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-15D09574-7A47-473A-B1C1-4D385239D604
The template argument of the <type> could not be deduced. You need to update this code.
Detailed Help
This warning is generated when the template argument could not be deduced by the Intel® DPC++ Compatibility Tool because the variable of this type was not used directly in the code. Intel® DPC++ Compatibility Tool inserts “dpct_placeholder”, instead of type, in such cases.
Suggestions to Fix
Replace the “dpct_placeholder” with the real argument.
For example, this original CUDA* code:
__global__ void kernel(const cudaTextureObject_t texObj) {} void foo() { float4 *d_data42; cudaArray_t a42; cudaMalloc(&d_data42, sizeof(float4) * 32 * 32); cudaChannelFormatDesc desc42 = cudaCreateChannelDesc(32, 32, 32, 32, cudaChannelFormatKindFloat); cudaMallocArray(&a42, &desc42, 32, 32); cudaMemcpyToArray(a42, 0, 0, d_data42, 32 * 32 * sizeof(float4), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); cudaTextureObject_t tex42; cudaResourceDesc res42; cudaTextureDesc texDesc42; res42.resType = cudaResourceTypeArray; res42.res.array.array = a42; cudaCreateTextureObject(&tex42, &res42, &texDesc42, NULL); kernel<<<1, 1>>>(tex42); }
results in the following migrated SYCL* code:
/* DPCT1050:1: The template argument of the image_accessor_ext could not be deduced. You need to update this code. */ void kernel(const dpct::image_accessor_ext< dpct_placeholder /*Fix the type manually*/, 1> texObj) {} void foo() { dpct::device_ext &dev_ct1 = dpct::get_current_device(); sycl::queue &q_ct1 = dev_ct1.default_queue(); sycl::float4 *d_data42; dpct::image_matrix_p a42; d_data42 = (sycl::float4 *)sycl::malloc_device(sizeof(sycl::float4) * 32 * 32, q_ct1); dpct::image_channel desc42 = dpct::image_channel(32, 32, 32, 32, dpct::image_channel_data_type::fp); a42 = new dpct::image_matrix(desc42, sycl::range<2>(32, 32)); dpct::dpct_memcpy(a42->to_pitched_data(), sycl::id<3>(0, 0, 0), dpct::pitched_data(d_data42, 32 * 32 * sizeof(sycl::float4), 32 * 32 * sizeof(sycl::float4), 1), sycl::id<3>(0, 0, 0), sycl::range<3>(32 * 32 * sizeof(sycl::float4), 1, 1)); dpct::image_wrapper_base_p tex42; dpct::image_data res42; dpct::sampling_info texDesc42; res42.set_data(a42); tex42 = dpct::create_image_wrapper(res42, texDesc42); /* DPCT1050:0: The template argument of the image_accessor_ext could not be deduced. You need to update this code. */ q_ct1.submit([&](sycl::handler &cgh) { auto tex42_acc = static_cast<dpct::image_wrapper< dpct_placeholder /*Fix the type manually*/, 1> *>(tex42) ->get_access(cgh); auto tex42_smpl = tex42->get_sampler(); cgh.parallel_for( sycl::nd_range<3>(sycl::range<3>(1, 1, 1), sycl::range<3>(1, 1, 1)), [=](sycl::nd_item<3> item_ct1) { kernel(dpct::image_accessor_ext< dpct_placeholder /*Fix the type manually*/, 1>(tex42_smpl, tex42_acc)); }); }); }
which is rewritten to:
void kernel(const dpct::image_accessor_ext<sycl::float4, 2> texObj) {} void foo() { dpct::device_ext &dev_ct1 = dpct::get_current_device(); sycl::queue &q_ct1 = dev_ct1.default_queue(); sycl::float4 *d_data42; dpct::image_matrix_p a42; d_data42 = (sycl::float4 *)sycl::malloc_device(sizeof(sycl::float4) * 32 * 32, q_ct1); dpct::image_channel desc42 = dpct::image_channel(32, 32, 32, 32, dpct::image_channel_data_type::fp); a42 = new dpct::image_matrix(desc42, sycl::range<2>(32, 32)); dpct::dpct_memcpy(a42->to_pitched_data(), sycl::id<3>(0, 0, 0), dpct::pitched_data(d_data42, 32 * 32 * sizeof(sycl::float4), 32 * 32 * sizeof(sycl::float4), 1), sycl::id<3>(0, 0, 0), sycl::range<3>(32 * 32 * sizeof(sycl::float4), 1, 1)); dpct::image_wrapper_base_p tex42; dpct::image_data res42; dpct::sampling_info texDesc42; res42.set_data(a42); tex42 = dpct::create_image_wrapper(res42, texDesc42); q_ct1.submit([&](sycl::handler &cgh) { auto tex42_acc = static_cast<dpct::image_wrapper<sycl::float4, 2> *>(tex42)->get_access( cgh); auto tex42_smpl = tex42->get_sampler(); cgh.parallel_for( sycl::nd_range<3>(sycl::range<3>(1, 1, 1), sycl::range<3>(1, 1, 1)), [=](sycl::nd_item<3> item_ct1) { kernel( dpct::image_accessor_ext<sycl::float4, 2>(tex42_smpl, tex42_acc)); }); }); }