Intel® oneAPI 2023 Toolkits and Codeplay Software – New Plug-In Support for NVIDIA and AMD GPUs

Code Together Podcast | Episode 43
December 16th, 2022

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“I want my application to wake up and say, ‘What devices are there? I think I'll use all of them.’”

James Reinders, tech evangelist & parallel programming expert, Intel Corporation

In December, Codeplay Software announced its expansion of oneAPI for NVIDIA and AMD GPUs, including new plugins for each. This move further enables multiarchitecture, multi-vendor programming by enabling developers to target a broader set of compute platforms and architectures.

In this conversation, oneAPI software experts discuss these plugins, including why they’re a major milestone for the open community and how they seamlessly work with the 2023 release of oneAPI tools such as the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler and other popular performance libraries.

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