How to install the correct version of CMake* to resolve errors involving the Intel® EII Message Bus.
- Successfully installed Intel® EII Package
- Running test.go under InfluxDBConnector directory, receiving the following error:
Cannot find package "EIIMessageBus/eiimsgbus" in any of: /usr/lib/.../EIIMessageBus/eiimsgbus.
The EII/OEI message bus relies on CMake* v3.11+. Follow these instructions to install the correct version of cmake:
- Remove the old version of CMake:
- sudo apt -y purge cmake
- sudo apt -y autoremove
- Download CMake
- Install CMake
- sudo mkdir /opt/cmake
- sudo --prefix=/opt/cmake --skip-license
- Make command available to all users
- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/cmake cmake /opt/cmake/bin/cmake 1 --force