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Why Is My Intel® Partner Alliance Account Not Listed in the Partner Directory?

Content Type: Error Messages   |   Article ID: 000087463   |   Last Reviewed: 01/26/2024


Operating System

OS Independent family
Intel® Partner Showcase


Member-tier account not found when searching the Partner Directory on Intel® Partner Showcase (formerly called Intel® Solutions Marketplace).


Gold and Titanium accounts are always listed in the Intel® Partner Showcase Partner Directory.

Member-tier accounts must first submit a solution to Intel® Partner Showcase to be listed in the Directory.

Step 1 - Check if your account is listed in the Partner Directory.

  • Go to Partner Directory
  • Click the applicable partner role, such as DistributorFPGA Design Service; Manufacturer; or Solution, Software and Service Partners.
  • Enter your company name in the search field.
    example image

If your account is not found, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2 - Submit a solution to Intel® Partner Showcase.

  • Go to the Intel® Partner Alliance home page.
  • Using the navigation bar in the upper-left hand corner of the page, choose Submit a Solution.

example image

  • Follow the instructions on the submission page.

As a Member-tier account, your solution will not be published to the Showcase until you reach Gold. However, by creating the solution it will unlock the Partner Directory listing.

If you need further assistance, contact Intel Customer Support.