How to register a multi-package platform with the Intel Provisioning Certification Service
When submitting a request for a Provisioning Certification Key (PCK) certificate using: curl -v -X GET "{}&cpusvn={}&pcesvn={}&pceid={}" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {subscription key}"
Receive: Response code 404 (Not Found)
According to the pckcert description, response code 404 is returned when:
PCK Certificate for provided {ppid}, {cpusvn}, {pcesvn} and {pceid} cannot be found. In case of a multi-package platform that may indicate that that an updated Platform Manifest has not been provided to the backend after a TCB recovery event.
Refer to Remote Attestation for Multi-Package Platforms using Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) Datacenter Attestation Primitives (DCAP) for detailed instructions on how to register the platform with the Intel Provisioning Certification Service.