There is no single list of processors or systems that support (Intel® SGX) SGX2.
Note | Just because an Intel® SGX feature is supported in the processor does not mean that is enabled in the BIOS. You must confirm with the system manufacturer if the Intel® SGX feature you are interested in is supported in the BIOS. |
Processors that support (Intel® SGX) SGX2:
Note: Customer may need to access to review processor features and specifications.
These two Intel® NUC Kits, which were enabled for Intel® SGX development, support (Intel® SGX) SGX2:
There are two options to determine if your system's processor supports (Intel® SGX) SGX2:
Option 1
On a Linux* system, execute cpuid in a terminal:
Option 2
Use test_sgx.c:
$ gcc test-sgx.c -o test-sgx
$ ./test-sgx
Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) SGX2 is a set of instructions that enable Enclave Dynamic Memory Management.