Article ID: 000055894 Content Type: Install & Setup Last Reviewed: 01/06/2023

How to Update the Firmware of the Intel® Optane™ Persistent Memory Using Intel® Intelligent Power Node Manager


Option to update the Intel® Optane™ PMem firmware with the Intel® Intelligent Power Node Manager.

  • There is the Trigger Proxy Access command that can be utilized to update AEP device. Following Intel® Intelligent Power Node Manager to implement it works. The AEP device can be updated.  Related to the byte 5 of the command, there is a DIMM index field, which is equal to SMBus address. When this one is 0, all of AEP devices should run the command coming from BMC, but actually, it does not, why? 
  • The SMBus protocol, when SMBus address is 0, it means broadcast. All of devices on the SMbus should run this command and return a result. Do the AEP DIMM device support this mechanism?

Using Intel® Intelligent Power Node Manager External Interface Specification with IPMI, there is an option to use some IPMI OEM PECI Proxy commands, under those commands there is the 49h code (Trigger Proxy Access). It is use for updating Intel® Optane™ persistent memory firmware.

Additional information

The SMBus is selected based upon which memory controller is selected. The possible values are 0 and 1 as there are two memory controllers per package.

Byte 4 – Readings ID

  • 00h – DCPMM Module Mailbox Data
  • 01h – DCPMM Module FW Update
NoteAfter using DCPMM Module FW update, Get Readings command(4Ah) is mandatory to check if operation is success.

Others – Reserved

  • Bytes 5:N – Readings Sub ID
    • For readings ID = 00h:
  • Byte 5
    • [7] – Reserved
    • [6] – SMBus bus identifier - valid values are: zero and one – CPU supports two memory controllers and each of them is assigned one bus
    • [5:3] – DIMM Index (3-bit part of the SMBus address named SA).
    • [2:0] – CPU number (starting from 0).

Intel® SPS FW supports up to 8 sockets for the current platform generation.

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