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How to Set Up Teaming with an Intel® Ethernet Adapter in Windows® 10 1809?

Content Type: Install & Setup   |   Article ID: 000032008   |   Last Reviewed: 04/14/2023


Operating System

Windows® 10, 64-bit*
Windows® 10 supported Intel® Ethernet Adapters.


Teaming configuration is not available anymore in Device Manager after upgrading to or installing Windows® 10 October 2018 Update (also known as version 1809 and codenamed Redstone 5 or simply RS5).


Follow the steps below in the given order:

  1. From Device Manager, disable the NIC device.
  2. Remove all drivers and Intel® PROSet software as follows:
    1. Access Device Manager1.
    2. Expand Network Adapters.
    3. Right-click each entry of an Intel® Ethernet Adapter.
    4. Click Uninstall Device.
  3. Once the adapter is uninstalled, cold boot the system (power off and then back on completely).
  4. If the device is still disabled, enable it.
  5. Download and install the latest driver for your Intel® Ethernet Network Adapter just doing double click on the file. If instead of the dedicated driver you downloaded the Complete Driver Pack, please install it as follows (if you downloaded an installer, which usually is a file with the extension .exe, you can skip these steps and continue from Step 6):
    1. Open the Command Prompt as an Administrator.
    2. Access the folder that is made after having unzipped the Intel® Ethernet Adapter driver package.
    3. Within the Command prompt, go to APPS > PROSETDX > Winx64. In this folder, run the following command to install the driver along with PROSet and the Advanced Network Settings: DxSetup.exe BD=1 PROSET=1 ANS=1
  6. Reboot the computer.
  7. Open the Windows* PowerShell, as Administrator, and proceed as follows:
    1. Run the following command (see below), which should take a few seconds, and it would not show any confirmation; it would just go back to the blinking cursor:
      Import-Module -Name "C:\Program Files\Intel\Wired Networking\IntelNetCmdlets\IntelNetCmdlets"
    2. Proceed adding team(s) by running this other command: New-IntelNetTeam
  8. Finally, it is just required to set any chosen name for the new team. Device Manager will confirm that the system is detecting the new team.

1 This is an interactive tool. It will start by asking the Team Member Names. These names can be confirmed by the names of the ports in Device Manager > Network Adapters. For example, port 1 might be called Intel(R) Ethernet Server Adapter I350-T2V2 and port 2 might be Intel(R) Ethernet Server Adapter I350-T2V2 #2 (just an example of setting up a team using two ports within a single adapter). Alternatively, one can follow the following command line: New-IntelNetTeam -TeamMemberNames "<Adapter1>", "<Adapter2>" -TeamMode AdapterFaultTolerance -TeamName "<NewTeamName>"

As for the different team types/modes (see the list below), please enter only the exact text that comes before each explanation, without spaces, bullets or dashes:

  • AdapterFaultTolerance - Provides automatic redundancy for a server's network connection. If the primary adapter fails, the secondary adapter takes over. Adapter Fault Tolerance supports two to eight adapters per team. This teaming type works with any hub or switch. All team members must be connected to the same subnet.
  • SwitchFaultTolerance - Provides failover between two adapters connected to separate switches. Switch Fault Tolerance supports two adapters per team. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) must be enabled on the switch when you create a Switch Fault Tolerance (SFT) team. When SFT teams are created, the Activation Delay is automatically set to 60 seconds. This teaming type works with any switch or hub. All team members must be connected to the same subnet.
  • AdaptiveLoadBalancing - Provides load balancing of transmit traffic and adapter fault tolerance. In Windows* operating systems, you can also enable or disable receive load balancing (RLB) in Adaptive Load Balancing teams (by default, RLB is enabled).
  • VirtualMachineLoadBalancing - Provides transmit and receive traffic load balancing across virtual machines bound to the team interface, as well as fault tolerance in the event of switch port, cable, or adapter failure. This teaming type works with any switch.
  • StaticLinkAggregation - Provides increased transmission and reception throughput in a team of two to eight adapters. This team type replaces the following team types from prior software releases: Fast EtherChannel*/Link Aggregation (FEC) and Gigabit EtherChannel*/Link Aggregation (GEC). This type also includes adapter fault tolerance and load balancing (only routed protocols). This teaming type requires a switch with Intel® Link Aggregation, Cisco* FEC or GEC, or IEEE 802.3ad Static Link Aggregation capability. All adapters in a Link Aggregation team running in static mode must run at the same speed and must be connected to a Static Link Aggregation capable switch. If the speed capability of adapters in a Static Link Aggregation team are different, the speed of the team is dependent on the lowest common denominator.
  • IEEE802_3adDynamicLinkAggregation - Creates one or more teams using Dynamic Link Aggregation with mixed-speed adapters. Like the Static Link Aggregation teams, Dynamic 802.3ad teams increase transmission and reception throughput and provide fault tolerance. This teaming type requires a switch that fully supports the IEEE 802.3ad standard.
  • MultiVendorTeaming - Adds the capability to include adapters from selected other vendors in a team.
  • If any Teaming option fails while setting or using it; disable the Energy-Efficient Ethernet option of the network card.

          Open the Windows Device Manager. 
          Find your network card and open its properties.
          Click the Advanced tab at the top of the window.
          Disable the Energy-Efficient Ethernet option
         Click OK.    

Additional information

Teaming is no longer an option via Device Manager(see also Intel® Ethernet SW 23.5 Release Information)