Teaming configuration is not available anymore in Device Manager after upgrading to or installing Windows® 10 October 2018 Update (also known as version 1809 and codenamed Redstone 5 or simply RS5).
Follow the steps below in the given order:
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1 This is an interactive tool. It will start by asking the Team Member Names. These names can be confirmed by the names of the ports in Device Manager > Network Adapters. For example, port 1 might be called Intel(R) Ethernet Server Adapter I350-T2V2 and port 2 might be Intel(R) Ethernet Server Adapter I350-T2V2 #2 (just an example of setting up a team using two ports within a single adapter). Alternatively, one can follow the following command line: New-IntelNetTeam -TeamMemberNames "<Adapter1>", "<Adapter2>" -TeamMode AdapterFaultTolerance -TeamName "<NewTeamName>" As for the different team types/modes (see the list below), please enter only the exact text that comes before each explanation, without spaces, bullets or dashes:
Open the Windows Device Manager. |
Teaming is no longer an option via Device Manager(see also Intel® Ethernet SW 23.5 Release Information)