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Tested Hardware and Operating System List for Intel® RAID Controllers RS2WG160 and RS2SG244

Content Type: Compatibility   |   Article ID: 000008217   |   Last Reviewed: 03/12/2024

This document will be updated as additional testing is performed, or until the Intel® RAID Controllers RS2WG160 and RS2SG244 are no longer in production. Each release of the document will include the information from previous releases. 

Intel will only support these RAID controllers when used in a system configured with the server boards listed and configured with the versions of RAID firmware, system BIOS / firmware, and operating system versions that were successfully tested. Thorough testing has been performed of the Intel RAID Controllers RS2WG160 and RS2SWG244 with the Intel® Server Boards, with Intel® drive enclosures and with the third-party devices listed in this document. It is not practical to test the Intel® RAID Controllers RS2WG160 and RS2SG244 in every possible combination of server board, drive enclosure, hard drive and peripheral. Sample combinations have been tested to gain added confidence in their inter compatibility, and every device listed in this document has been tested in one or more configurations.

Please refer to Intel® Server Boards and Intel® RAID Controller compatibility matrix to determine compatibility between Intel® Server Boards and Intel® RAID Controllers.

Tested Hardware and Operating System List (PDF) icon
Size: 473 KB
Date: November 2013
File revision: 1.3

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