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General Netbook/Laptop Service and Support

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000007334   |   Last Reviewed: 12/06/2017

Since netbook/laptop computers differ between systems, Intel does not recommend opening or upgrading the processor or wireless adapter. If you want to upgrade a netbook/laptop computer, you can contact your manufacturer.

Intel manufacturers components and does not manufacture or sell complete netbook/laptop systems. If you require troubleshooting support for your netbook/laptop, see the following resources before contacting Intel® Customer Support.

Netbook/Laptop Manufacturers
Intel components can be customized by the netbook/laptop manufacturer and validated as an entire system. If you are experiencing issues with your netbook/laptop computer, the system manufacturer is the best source of support.


Intel Customer Support
Intel offers a number of technical support options if you can't get your issues resolved through the manufacturer or service provider.

If you are not sure if an Intel component is inside your netbook, run the System Support Utility to identify Intel® products on your computer.