About the Messages window

To open this window, click View > Utility Windows > Messages.

The Messages window in the main Quartus® Prime displays messages from the most recent compilation.

By default, the Messages window categorizes information in two tabs; each tab label indicates the number of messages listed in its tab.

  • System—Displays messages from all tasks unrelated to design processing, including messages generated by the Programmer and other internal processes.
  • Processing—Displays all messages together from the most recent compilation or simulation. Timing analysis messages appear as part of the compilation messages.

Most messages display a Message ID in the ID column. The Message ID represents a given type of message, and can appear several times if that message applies to multiple features of your design, such as assignments, clocks, nodes and so on.

For each compilation, you can flag any number of messages and can later choose to export or import flagged message rules to or from another Quartus® Prime project. You can create suppression rules to suppress exact messages, messages with matching IDs or keywords, or messages from a specific hierarchy. Suppressed messages are not shown in the Messages window and appear in the Suppressed Messages reports. Suppression rules appear immediately in the Message Suppression Manager. You can type or select message information, including wildcard characters and hierarchy-based message names, in the filter box to help you locate and then suppress select messages.

Clicking the Messages window title bar and dragging the mouse allows you to undock or dock the Messages window from the main Quartus® Prime window.

You can customize the colors for displaying messages. The Type, ID, and Message columns appear by default, and the Flag, Time, Source, File, Line, and Partition columns are optional. You can show or hide optional columns with commands on the shortcut menu, or in the Options dialog box. Clicking a column header sorts the messages in ascending or descending order according to the selected column.

Viewing Messages in the Report Window

In addition to viewing messages in the Messages window, you can view messages in the Flow Messages section and any messages that were suppressed in the Flow Suppressed Messages section of the Report window. Messages that appear on the Processing tab in the Messages window also appear in the Messages report in the Report window, and in the Text-Format Report File (.rpt) Definition and HTML-Format Report File (.htm) Definition

Getting Source Location Information about a Message

You canlocate the source of error and warning messages by right-clicking the message in the Messages window. The Quartus® Prime software locates and highlights the object in the appropriate design file, and opens the file. The Quartus® Prime Text Editor indicates errors that occur during compilation with a yellow circle at the line number in the design file where the error occurred.

Viewing Messages With Parallel Synthesis and Design Partitions

When you use Parallel Synthesis to compile your design, the Quartus® Prime software displays messages generated by design partitions in the Messages window as they are synthesized in parallel. Therefore, messages from different partitions are not sequenced together, but instead interspersed throughout the Messages window. After compilation, you can use the Partition column in the Messages window to sort messages according to the partition that generated the message, thus grouping all the messages from a particular partition. You can show or hide the Partition column in the Messages window with options on the Messages page in the Options dialog box.