Compilation Reports

A Report window, HTML-Format Report File (.htm) Definition, or Text-Format Report File (.rpt) Definition contains some or all of the reports listed below.

  • Flow Summary
  • Flow Settings
  • Flow Non-Default Global Settings
  • Flow Elapsed Time
  • Flow Log
  • Synthesis Reports Folder
    • Synthesis Summary Reports
    • Synthesis Settings Reports
    • Synthesis Partitions Reports
      • Parallel Compilation Report
      • Resource Utilization by Entity Report
      • Optimization Results Reports
      • Post-Synthesis Netlist Statistics
      • Synthesis Resource Usage Report
    • Synthesis Source Files Read Report
    • Synthesis Messages Report
  • Fitter Reports Folder
    • Fitter Summary Report
    • Fitter Settings Report
    • Fitter Parallel Compilation Report
    • Fitter Plan Stage Reports
    • Fitter Early Place Stage Reports
    • Fitter Place Stage Reports
    • Fitter Route Stage Reports
    • Fitter Finalize Stage Reports
    • Fitter Netlist Optimizations Report
    • Fitter Messages Report
  • TimeQuest Timing Analyzer
    • TimeQuest Summary Report
    • Summary fmax Report
    • Summary Hold Reports
    • Summary Recovery Reports
    • Summary Removal Reports
    • Multicorner Timing Analysis Reports
    • SDC File List Report
    • Timing Closure Recommendation Reports
  • PowerPlay® Power Analyzer Reports
  • EDA Netlist Writer Reports
  • SEU FIT Reports